Myanmar Bookmakers

Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia, and it has gone through a recent change in its gambling laws, especially those related to bookmakers and sports betting. These changes are expected to bring new opportunities and risks for investors, gamblers and the authorities. The purpose of this article is to present general information on Myanmar Bookmakers gambling legislation, the evolution of these laws, authorities, licenses, costs, taxes, and the kind of bets allowed and restricted.

Myanmar Bookmakers

Table of Contents

May 7, 2019: Passage of the Gambling Law 2019.

2013: MIC permitted limited casinos operations.

2018: Process for ratification of the Gambling Bill.

This act repealed the Gambling Law 1986 (GL 1986).

The penalties and rewards for reporting the illegitimate gambling operations.

History of Bookmakers Gambling Laws

This paper aims to review the process of legalisation of gambling in Myanmar and examine its current status. In the beginning, all types of gambling were unlawful under the Gambling Law of 1986 (GL 1986). This law was meant to address the growing problem of various unlawful gambling operations that were rife at the time. However, as the economic challenge intensified, and the government sought for new sources of income, it changed position.

  • 2013: The Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) permits casinos subject to the recommendation of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the approval of the Union Government. Nonetheless, these casinos were limited to the hotels in certain districts and only the foreigners were allowed to wager.
  • 2018: The Public Affairs Management Committee presented a gambling bill to Pyithu Hluttaw which was passed by the latter.
  • May 2019: The Gambling Law 2019 (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 13/2019) was passed which repealed the GL 1986. This new law is expected to update the existing legislation on gambling in Myanmar, increase the tax revenues, and attract tourists.

Myanmar Bookmakers Legislation and Laws

The Gambling Law 2019 is a legislation that outlines the legalisation of a number of forms of gambling such as sports betting carried out by Myanmar bookmakers. The law specifies that gambling means any game of chance, whether or not a bookmaker’s fee is paid. It also comprises the games where skills are used to stake money or property that has a monetary equivalent.

Key Provisions:

  • Casino Definition: A place or building for gambling that is open to only the foreigners and that is registered with the permission of the Union Government.
  • Lottery Definition: Aung Bar Lay Lottery is operated and run by the Internal Revenue Department, Ministry of Planning and Finance of the Union Government.
  • Penalties: It carries the following sanctions: imprisonment for a term of one month to five years and a fine in the amount of up to MMK 1 million.

Regulatory Agencies of Myanmar Bookmakers

The Gambling Law 2019 empowers several agencies to regulate the gambling in Myanmar as follows. The first governmental institution is the Internal Revenue Department within the Ministry of Planning and Finance. The Township Administrators, Township Police-officers, and Station Officers have the right to search, seize and arrest any person without warrant for any gambling offences.

Licensing and Fees

According to the law the Union Government is empowered to issue licenses for the setting up and running of casinos and other gambling enterprises. However, it is still unclear what specific conditions are necessary for obtaining these licenses, investment ratios, compliance and capital requirements.

Taxes and Fees

This new law will help to increase the revenue from taxes through legal gambling business. Further notifications and regulations on specific tax rates and fees for bookmakers and casino operators are yet to be determined. These taxes and fees will go a long way in the annual revenue of the country to help in funding various projects and services in the country.

Prohibited and Allowed Bets

Prohibited Bets:

  • Betting without the permission from the Union Government.
  • Other banned games are the unauthorized lotteries or similar games.
  • Betting or solicitation of bets for any form of gaming.
  • Gambling in unregistered locations.

Allowed Bets:

  • Games of chance legally allowed for citizens of the Union of India and controlled by the Union Government.
  • The Internal Revenue Department oversaw the running of lotteries.
  • Casinos that offer the service to only international people.

Myanmar Sports Betting

Myanmar has a large gambling market and one of the prominent segments is sports betting. Football and golf are the most favorite sports in the country, which means that many people will be involved in betting. The legalisation of the sports betting is expected to generate significant economic returns.

Sporting Milestones:

  • Football: It is the sport that has nationwide competitions and local leagues.
  • Golf: Popular and commonly used in many tournaments across the country.
  • Martial Arts (Lethwei): It means a time-honored type of kick boxing.
  • Chinlone: A ball-centric game that uses a ball peculiar to Myanmar is the most popular game among them.


The new law Gambling Law 2019 has brought a new dimension in gambling in Myanmar especially to Myanmar bookmakers and sports betting. Although there are many points that still require further elucidation, the new law paves the way for legalised gambling that will bring significant revenues and provide a more secure environment for the players. With the government working to improve the regulations it is imperative that the stake holders keep up with the changes in the legal requirements.

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