Mongolia Bookmakers

Mongolia is a country in Central Asia, sandwiched between China and Russia. However, the laws of the country concerning gambling are also quite interesting especially if it concerns Mongolia bookmakers and sports betting. This article will discuss the current and historical status of the laws and legislation governing gambling in Mongolia, the governing bodies, gambling licenses and their costs, gambling taxes, prohibited and allowed types of bets, and the specifics of sports betting in Mongolia.

Mongolia Bookmakers

Table of Contents

1998: The first attempt to legalize casinos was made.

1999: Abrogation of the Law on Casino.

2006: Attempts to make betting and gaming legal.

December 26, 2022: The submission of new draft laws.

2023-2025: Called as “The Years to Visit Mongolia.

Gambling Laws and Legislation of Mongolia


Mongolia has very strict laws on gambling and the setting up of casinos has been banned since the year 1999. In reference to the Criminal Act, it is unlawful to engage in gambling activities and for one to participate in gambling is an offense. But to the extent of the Mongolian law, there is a distinction between gambling and sports betting.

Key Legislations

  • 1999: Under Criminal Act, casino operations are prohibited.
  • 2006: Try to make betting and gaming legal.
  • December 26, 2022: The Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Kh. submitted draft laws on casino, betting, and lottery. Nyambaatar.

Timeline of Legislation in Mongolia Bookmakers

The history of Mongolia and gambling laws has had its fair share of changes over the years. The first major effort to pass the casino was in 1998 but was withdrawn because of corruption and abuse of power charges. Another remarkable try was made in 2006 to legalise betting and gaming activities, but the move was never passed by Parliament. The submission of new draft laws in December 2022 suggests that there is a renewed attempt to increase tourism and development of the economy.

Historical Milestones

  • January 1998: The first legislation for the legalisation of casinos was initiated.
  • 1999: Cancelling the Law on Casino and passing of the Law on the Prohibition of Establishing and Operating Casino.
  • 2006: The campaigns to make betting and gaming legal.
  • December 26, 2022: Presentation of new draft laws on casino, betting and lottery.

Regulatory Agencies

Some of the draft laws that have been proposed include creation of a Commission to oversee the casino business. This Commission would comprise of a chairman and eight members to be appointed by the cabinet for a term of three years. The Commission’s functions would include the administration of the law, the adoption of the gaming rules, the supervision of casino operations, the suspension and lifting of suspensions, and the recommendation of license revocation to the Cabinet.

Licenses and Fees of Mongolia Bookmakers

Draft laws also stipulate that a business license would be necessary for one to conduct a casino business in Mongolia. The license would be tendered for up to two locations and the license would be for a period of 10 years renewable. The license fee proposed is MNT 35 billion (approx. US$17. 6 million) and the license holder will be expected to pay this amount when the license is up for renewal.

License Details

  • 1. License Term: The terms of reference are 10 years renewable.
  • 2. License Fee: MNT 35 billion (approx. US$17. 6 million).
  • 3. Renewal Fee: It is same as the initial license fee.
  • 4. Transfer Restrictions: License cannot be transferred by way of pledge or sale.

Bookmakers Gambling Taxes

According to the proposed laws, the Mongolian Government would be receiving 40% of the casino’s daily revenues in form of income tax. Also after 30 years of operation, company would transfer 50% of the tables to the Government ownership. The tax rate corresponds with the current standards of taxation of casinos in Macau. Some of the revenues would be channeled towards the development of the tourism industry, and all business deals would have to be conducted through the local banks.

Tax Details

  • Income Tax: A merchant is allowed to lose up to 40% of his daily profits in the hope of making a big sale.
  • Ownership Transfer: Royalty: 50% of the tables to the Government after 30 years.
  • Revenue Allocation: Proportion that has been set aside for the development of the tourism industry.
  • Transaction Requirement: Local banks.

Prohibited and Allowed Bets

In accordance with the Mongolian law, it is unlawful for any business to engage in gambling with dice, cards or any other physical items having unpredictable result and potential risks. This encompasses activities that are done through information technology and social media. Nevertheless, sports betting is defined differently from gambling according to the Mongolian laws.

Prohibited Bets

  • Betting using dice or a deck of cards or any other item whose result is uncertain.
  • Business activities performed through information technology and social media.

Allowed Bets

  • Sports Betting: Betting on real sports games such as basketball, soccer, and tennis to predict the results of the games. Sports betting enables the bettors to forecast and predict the possible outcome of a game through skills, knowledge and information as opposed to gambling.

Description of Mongolia Sports Betting

In Mongolia, sports betting is not classified as a gambling activity because it is a game of skill. It also enables companies to acquire licenses for running lottery or betting games. The bill introduced in December 2022 paints the picture of legalizing different forms of gambling such as sports betting.

Key Features

  • Skill-Based: In this way, the bettors can have an idea of how likely something is going to happen based on the skills and knowledge that one has.
  • License Availability: Business entities can apply for licenses in the lottery or betting games.
  • Legislation: The draft laws that were presented in December 2022 seek to regulate the gambling industry especially sports betting.

Sporting Milestones in Mongolia

Mongolia is renowned for its national festival of Naadam, featuring the three “manly sports”: Some of the sports that were in practice during the Indus valley civilization include horse racing, archery, and wrestling. These sports are very popular and are part of the Mongolian traditions and heritage.

  • Horse Racing: It is known that the longest and most popular sport in Mongolia where races take place over vast tracts of country.
  • Archery: It is a conventional game which has been played for centuries with records tracing back to the 11th century.
  • Wrestling: It is a sport in which there are competitions for everyone in the country.
  • Football and Basketball: Some of the products started gaining popularity under the influence of the Western world.
  • Olympic Achievements: Mongolian athletes have been able to secure a number of Olympic medals in wrestling, judo, boxing, and archery.


Therefore, it is crucial to note that the laws of Mongolia concerning bookmakers and sports betting are still in the progress of being developed due to recent attempts to legalize various types of gambling to stimulate tourism and develop the economy. The following areas are important to understand when it comes to setting up a gambling business in Mongolia: regulatory environment and licensing, taxation.

FAQ for Mongolia Bookmakers

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