Nepal Bookmakers

Nepal is shares its borders with China and India. Kathmandu city in particular has a somewhat complicated history of gambling legal framework, characterized by strict laws and restrictions on gambling activities in the country. Nonetheless, the Nepalese legal system with regard to gambling can be described as rather contradictory and rather strict. This article aims to provide further understanding of the laws in Nepal regarding gambling especially the Nepal Bookmakers and Nepal sports betting.

Nepal Bookmakers

Table of Contents

1968: First casino in Kathmandu is opened.

2013: New Casino Regulations in the market.

2017: Gambling laws that are stated within the Criminal Code.

2018: Nepal emerges the overall champion of South Asian Football Federation Championship.

2019: Nepal becomes the ICC World Cricket League Division Two champions.

Laws Governing Gambling in Nepal

The laws relating to gambling in Nepal have undergone a great change over the years. The basic law regulating gambling in Nepal is the Gambling Act of 1963 and the Criminal Code of 2017 which supersedes the earlier act. Here’s a detailed exploration of the legislation:

Historical Context and Evolution

  • Gambling Act 1963: First, the definition of gambling was stated as any game of chance where a person risks money or other rewards in order to gain money or other rewards. First time offenders could be fined Rs200 while second and third time offenders could be imprisoned for one to three months.
  • Criminal Code 2017 (Section 125): This act incorporated the Gambling Act of 1963 and extended the definition of gambling as any bet made based on chance in which property can be stake and the results can be in the form of money or other forms of property. The fine was raised for the first-time offenders to the level of three months imprisonment or a fine of Rs. 30,000.

Regulatory Framework

Due to strict laws and regulations, the beginning of gambling in Nepal was marked with the opening of the first casino Casino Nepal (Now Casino Mahjong) in Kathmandu in 1968. The Casino Regulation 2070 further divided the industry and provided for licensing and banned the locals from participating in the gambling activities.

Key Legislation and Regulations

  • Country Criminal Code Act 2074 (2017): Gambling and betting are strictly prohibited in Nepal and this is as provided for under section 125.
  • Country Criminal Procedure Code Act 2074 (2017): This section provides that any person who witnesses any gambling activity must report the same to section 4.
  • Casino Regulation 2070: Regulates the licensing conditions and limitations concerning the casino business.

Licensing and Regulatory of Nepal Bookmakers

For those interested in establishing or understanding the operation of bookmakers within Nepal, here is a detailed examination of the legalities, licensing, and regulations:

Licensing Requirements

This paper aims to identify the licensing conditions that are necessary for a bookmakers’ business to operate in Nepal. All the prospective operators are required to secure permission from the appropriate Nepalese authorities and meet all the current legal requirements.

Regulatory Agencies

The operation of gambling in Nepal is regulated by various regulatory authorities to make sure that everything is in order and follows the set legal requirements. All these are bodies that are tasked with the responsibility of licensing the operations, regulating the industry and ensuring that there are no vices that could harm the industry.

License Types and Fees

Several types of licenses are required to operate a gambling establishment in Nepal:

  • Casino Licenses: Desirable for a physical based casino.
  • Bookmakers Licenses: Applicable to those who have sports betting services.
  • Annual Licensing Fees: The operators are required to make a large payment which may differ depending on the extent of operations.

Taxes and Fees

Operators are subject to various taxes and fees which include, but are not limited to:

  • Casino Revenue Tax: A portion of the gross income received from the casino or bookmakers.
  • Operational Fees: Contingent expenses such as renewal charges for licenses and compliance with the existing laws and regulations.

Sports Betting in Nepal

Sports betting, though prohibited to a certain extent, is still one of the most preferred activities among tourists in Nepal. Here’s a detailed overview of sports betting laws and practices:

Prohibited and Allowed Bets

  • Prohibited Bets: It is against the law for the locals to bet. Such activities are considered to be criminal and may result in severe consequences such as fines and imprisonment.
  • Allowed Bets: Nonetheless, the Nepalese authorities allow tourists and foreign nationals to place bets on sports so long as they conform to the legal framework.

Regulatory Oversight

Legal bodies are responsible for making sure that any sporting events’ betting is done in a proper and clear manner. This includes:

  • Monitoring Activities: Legal compliance in all the aspects of the business.
  • Addressing Disputes: The following are some of the ways through which the bettors and the operators can be protected from frauds and scams.

Sporting Milestones in Nepal

Nepal has witnessed several sporting milestones which have influenced the betting landscape:

  • 1968: Casino Nepal the first casino in South Asia was launched in Kathmandu.
  • 2017: The Gambling Act was incorporated into the Criminal Code and changed the definition of gambling and enhanced penalties.
  • 2013: The Casino Regulations that were implemented made compliance and licensing more stringent than before.
  • 2014: In sports, Nepal’s cricket team made it to the ICC World T20, this is a big achievement.
  • 2019: Nepal won the ICC World Cricket League Division Two thus proving the growing interest in cricket in Nepal.


Nonetheless, due to tight laws, gambling business in Nepal persists to grow mainly due to tourism. As for Nepal Bookmakers and Nepal sports betting enthusiasts, it is important to get the big picture of the legal framework. This is due to the fair play and integrity standards that have been put in place by the regulatory framework as well as the changing gambling laws that depict the country’s willingness to only allow a certain level of gambling activity. Thus, as an increasing number of tourists come to Nepal, the outlook for the country’s gambling, especially sports betting, is positive.

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