Jordan Bookmakers

Jordan is located in the western Asia neighbouring Palestine/Israel to the west, Syria to the North, Iraq to the northeast, Saudi Arabia to the south and southeast and the Gulf of Aqaba to the southwest. Jordan’s stance on gambling is relatively neutral and is mostly centered on sports betting as well as online gambling. The following article is an attempt to explain the legal environment, evolution of gambling and gambling licensing in Jordan with focus on Jordan bookmakers and sports betting.

Jordan Bookmakers

Table of Contents

1946: Licensing and regulation of gambling is forbidden in Jordan since the formation of this country.

1960: Jordan Penal Code also prohibits all kinds of gambling in the country.

2003: Members of the legislative branch started advocating for casinos.

2016: Deputy Prime Minister spoke about casino license for Aqaba and Petra.

2004: Jordan’s national football team is ranked 37th in the FIFA.

Gambling Laws and Legislation

Historical Context

  • 1946: According to the laws of Jordan, gambling has been banned right from the time the country was formed up to today.
  • 1960: The Jordan Penal Code that has its legal foundation on the Sharia law banned all forms of gambling (maisir).

Legal Framework

  • Sharia Courts: The jurisdiction of personal status laws, the cases related to Diya (blood money) and the matters concerning to the Waqfs (endowment).
  • Criminal Courts: Regulate issues concerning unlawful betting, with harsh fines and imprisonment for the coordinators, and milder penalties for participants.

Regulatory Agencies

The legal framework of Jordan is based on the civil law with significant inputs from the Islamic (Shari’ah) law which does not allow gambling. As a result, there are no regulatory bodies that supervise the gambling business. The prohibition is enforced by Sharia courts by means of the Jordan Penal Code of 1960.

Bookmakers Gambling Licenses and Fees

  • Licenses: This style was not issued in Jordan.
  • Fees: No licensing process is applicable to this context.

Gambling Taxes

  • Taxation: There is no separate gambling tax in Jordan as such, but as for other types of taxes, Jordan levies it in accordance with its law.
  • Player Taxation: Officially, not declared as gambling is prohibited in the country.

Prohibited and Allowed Bets

  • Prohibited Bets: Sports betting is also considered a criminal act in Jordan since all types of gambling are banned by the Jordan Penal Code.
  • Allowed Bets: None as all forms of gambling are prohibited in the United States.

Sports Betting of Jordan Bookmakers

However, legal bans on the sport betting do not have an effect on the sport betting, especially in case with internet based operations. However, the legal status of online gambling still remains somewhat ambiguous for the same reason, namely, there are no references to online gambling in the penal code. Although there is a law banning online gambling in the country, the law is not really implemented and one cannot hear of the players being arrested.

Popular Sports in Jordan

  • Football (Soccer): Popular and enjoyed by many people including the youth leagues which are administered by the national football league.
  • Rugby: Growing in popularity, with international games such as the 2010 World Cup qualification match against Lebanon.
  • Basketball: The Jordanian sports, especially one of the most rapidly developing sports, improving Jordan’s foreign relations.
  • Handball and Volleyball: Some of the widely practiced team sports that have many supporters.
  • Individual Sports: The sports like Tae Kwon Do, boxing, swimming, and cycling are in vogue these days.

Notable Athletes and Achievements

  • Michael Jordan: Basketball superstar, who is often noted to be the best player in the history of the sport.
  • Ahmad Abughaush: One of the professionals in the field of Taekwondo and a Gold Medalist in the Olympic Games that held in Rio de Janeiro in the year 2016.
  • Omar Al-Soma: Jordanian Premier League top goal scorer of all time.

Major Sports Events

  • 2004: This means that Jordan’s national football team is ranked 37th in the international federation of association football abbreviated as FIFA.
  • 2000 Sydney Olympics: Basketball: Jordan claimed the bronze medal.
  • 2016 Rio Olympics: Taekwondo was also represented by Ahmad Abughaush who clinched a gold medal.
  • 2013 Arab Cup: Jordan’s football team was victorious in the regional football competition.
  • 2016 West Asian Football Federation Championship: A new football championship season has come to an end and Jordan has once again emerged as the winner.


This is the case with Jordan, whose interaction with gambling, especially sports betting, is ambivalent since the country follows Sharia law. Though the law does not allow any form of gambling, the online sports betting is common. Nevertheless, the absence of vigorous enforcement and prosecution provides some light at the end of the tunnel, which may point to a possibility of future alterations.

To this end, it is important to comprehend the laws governing gambling in Jordan and how they apply to the sport betting. It is highly improbable that gambling will be allowed in the near future because of the country’s adherence to Sharia law; however, the constant discussions and the increasing interest in the online wagering indicate that change is possible.

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