Panama Bookmakers

Panama is a country situated in the Central America and has Costa Rica to its northwest, Colombia to southeast, Caribbean Sea to the north and Pacific Ocean to the south, this makes the country a strategic position for various businesses including gambling. This article is specifically devoted to the analysis of Panama’s gambling laws with the focus on Panama bookmakers and sports betting to provide the information necessary for the prospective participants in this rapidly developing field.

Panama Bookmakers

1950: The national football team participates in the Olympics for the first time.

1997: Casino industry is privatized in this year.

2002: It is the year when Online Gaming Law is passed.

2018: Panama is among the teams that will be heading to the FIFA World Cup.

2022: The subject of online gambling is regulated by Resolution No. 25 which was updated recently.

State of Affairs of Gambling in Panama

The history of Panama and legal gambling starts from 1886 and up to this very day, Panama can be considered one of the significant gaming jurisdictions in Latin America. The regulating body is the Panama Gaming Control Board also known as Junta de Control de Juegos (JCJ) which was established in 1947.

Development of Gambling Laws over the Course of History

The regulatory framework for gambling in Panama has undergone significant changes over the years:

  • 1947: Creation of the JCJ to regulate the conduct of gambling business.
  • 1997: Licensing of casinos, resulting in the introduction of new competitors into the market because of factors such as embezzlement and inefficiency.
  • 1998: Adoption of Law No 2 that made provision for gambling enterprises and the licensing thereof.
  • 2002: Adoption of Resolution No. 65 and the Online Gaming Law which deals with electronic gambling and online platform licensing.
  • 2022: Pass Resolution No. 25 to encourage local and international gambling activities.

Key Features of Gambling Laws in Panama

Licensing and Fees

Panama offers several types of gambling licenses, each with specific requirements and associated fees:

  • Casino License: Enables the running of brick and mortal casinos that include table games and slot machines.
  • Bookmaker’s License: Legalizes the setting up and conducting of betting shops for sports and other activities.
  • Online Gambling License: For companies that have their registration in Panama and plan to provide services of online casinos and betting sites.
  • Slot Machine License: Recommended for facilities which primary activities are related to the operation of slot machine halls.
  • Bingo Hall License: For managing and operating of bingo halls and other events related to it.

Fee Structure:

  • Initial Licensing Fee: The cost for this trip is Forty Thousand USD.
  • Annual Fee: USD 20,000

Regulatory of Panama Bookmakers

The JCJ is the main organization regulating all gambling related activities within the territory of Panama. Mellanför finns också ansvar för utfärdande av licenser, övervakning av operatörer och uppsägner om följen av rätt gemenskapliga regler. The government also has the necessary and stringent Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures and consumer protection laws in place to preserve the authenticity of gaming.

Prohibited and Allowed Bets

While most forms of gambling are permitted, operators must adhere to specific regulations:

  • Prohibited Bets: Panamanian citizens cannot place bets via the internet with the help of operators.
  • Allowed Bets: It covers sports betting, casinos, bingo, and slot machines.

Taxation and Economic Impact

Panama’s taxation policies provide a competitive advantage for online gambling operators:

  • Land-Based Venues: To pay municipal operational charges, facility health permit charges and 10% of municipal gross income earned per month.
  • Online Gambling Operators: Not subject to the Panamanian taxes, excluding the cases where they accept bets from the inhabitants of Panama.

Additional Economic Benefits:

  • Exemption from contribution, duty or import fees on gaming facilities’ machinery, equipment and materials.
  • Exemption from the payment of income tax and national direct tax on capital relating to internet gaming firms.

Panama Sports Betting

Sports betting is one of the major sections of the gambling business in Panama. The nation is a preferred place for sports betting operators owing to its sound strategic regulatory framework and tax rules.

Glory Milestones of the Sporting Event in Panama

Panama has celebrated several notable achievements in the realm of sports betting and athletic prowess:

  • 1950: The Panama national football team is making its Olympic Games bow.
  • 2008: Irving Saladino wins the gold medal in the men’s hop, step and jump event at the Beijing Olympics.
  • 2010 & 2014: Panama gets gold medals in football within the framework of the Central American and Caribbean Games.
  • 2018: Panama earns its first spot in the FIFA World Cup as its national football team.
  • 2022: Resolution No. 25 is adopted, to update the rules regarding the online gambling.


The legal framework of Panama is defined as rather clear and profitable for the bookmakers and the sports betting, which are the main kinds of the gambling. The regulation system of the country provides sound economical policies and at the same time protects the interest of the consumer and offers a healthy environment for the gaming industry. Thus, the details about the legislation of the gambling industry in Panama will help stakeholders to make the right moves and grasp the potential of this fast-growing sphere.

FAQ – Panama Bookmakers

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