Luxembourg Bookmakers

Luxembourg located in the northwest of Europe is one of the most prominent countries in the sphere of gambling. It neighbours Germany to the east, France to the south, and Belgium to the west and north respectively. It is quite small, it has very comprehensive and complex gambling laws and regulations. This article will discuss the specifics of legal provisions of the gambling business in Luxembourg with a focus on the activities of Luxembourg bookmakers and sports betting and the legal framework that exists in this area.

Luxembourg Bookmakers

Table of Contents

20 April 1977: Lets’ turn to the overview of the Gambling Law.

12 February 1979: The Grand-Ducal Regulation concerning gambling and sporting events.

7 September 1987: On the regulation of sports betting.

14 August 2000: The following is the proposed act on electronic commerce.

30 July 2002: The act concerning the commercial practices.

History of Gambling Regulation in Luxembourg

Luxembourg gambling history can be traced back to 1870. However, it faced several phases of prohibition:

  • 1870-1945: Gambling was banned.
  • 1945-1977: Lottery only was allowed to be played.
  • 1977 onwards: The era of the Gambling Law can be considered as the starting point of the modern history of gambling legislation.

Key Legislative Milestones

  • 1977: The Gambling Law was enacted while laying the groundwork of the present day policies and rules.
  • 1979: Regulation on the Exploitation of Gaming and Sporting Events of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
  • 1987: Law concerning sports betting.
  • 2000: Regulate electronic commerce and legal issues of the information society services.
  • 2002: Law concerning business practices and sanctioning unfair business practices.

Regulatory Framework

The regulation of gambling activities in Luxembourg is done mainly through the law of 20 April 1977 on gambling. The function of the Ministry of Justice includes the regulation of gambling licenses and adherence to the existing legal framework.

Permitted Activities

As for the definition of the term “gambling,” the Gambling Law does not provide it; however, Luxembourg case law has established that gambling encompasses games in which luck plays a bigger role than skills. Permitted gambling activities include:

  • Poker
  • Betting (excluding sports betting)
  • Sports betting
  • Casino games
  • Slot and machine gaming
  • Bingo
  • Lottery

Licensing Requirements

Gambling business in Luxembourg can only be conducted with the permission of the Ministry of Justice license. The process involves submitting:

  • A description of the types of gambling activities to be carried out with emphasis on the elements of chance and skill.
  • Proof of the operator’s and key employees’ reliability (e. g. , certificate of good conduct).
  • Shareholder information.
  • Justification of the relevance of the suggested gambling activities.

Taxation and Fees of Luxembourg Bookmakers

Gambling Taxes

Luxembourg imposes taxes on gambling activities based on gambling proceeds:

  • Lottery: 15%
  • Sports betting: 15%
  • Casino games: Tax structure where the taxes increase as the revenue increases from 10% to 80%.

Levy on Gaming Revenue

This is provided for in section 12 of the 1977 Act which imposes a charge on the revenue from gaming activities to the state and municipal revenues. In the case of sports betting, the levy is 15 % of the gross amount of the stake.


This means that according to the Grand Ducal Regulation gambling is not subject to Income and Wealth Taxes, as well as Value Added Tax. Nonetheless, it is imperative for operators to meet all other taxes that are required to be payed.

Bookmakers in Luxembourg

Legal Status

The government of Luxembourg has very stringent measures in place when it comes to gambling business. The only legal entity which is allowed to provide online gambling services is the Loterie Nationale. The remaining all foreign operators are required to get prior approval from the Ministry of Justice.

Prohibited and Allowed Bets

This means that operators are to conform to the laid down rules on permissible bets. Thus, sports betting, casino, and lotteries are legal though operators are not allowed to engage in unregulated betting activities.

Sporting Event Milestones

Bearing this in mind let us look at some of the sports thatLuxembourg has excelled in. Notably, Luxembourg sports betting has been influenced by the nation’s performance in major events:

  • 1927 & 1928: The bicycle race event known as Tour de France was won by Nicolas Frantz.
  • 1958: Charly Gaul was the big winner of the Tour de France.
  • 2010: Andy Schleck got the Tour de France championship.
  • 1900: Michel Théato was able to clinch the gold in the marathon during the Paris Olympics.
  • 1952: In the men’s 1500 meters event at the Helsinki Olympics, Josy Barthel emerged the winner and thus took the gold.


Thus, Luxembourg can be considered as a country with a well-developed and regulated gambling business environment. The Ministry of Justice has thus kept a very close watch on the gambling activities in the country but at the same time has kept the door open for the operators to operate freely under the regulated environment.

Before one is willing to start a gambling business in Luxembourg, they need to make sure that they are conversant with the laws and regulations of the country. Soon, it will be important for operators to be aware of the changes in legislation and other compliance matters in order to run a profitable business.

FAQ of Luxembourg bookmakers

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